Film Viewing Practice Essay “Agent Carter”

In the film Agent Carter: Marvel One Shot, many elements are used to advance the plot of the movie.

To begin, sound is the first element the audience is introduced to through the use of the Marvel logo and Carter’s voiceover as the logo appears. Suddenly, the sound bridges into a dialogue shown between Carter and another agent, Steve. This conveys the introduction to action firsthand without any background story. Although the scene relies heavily on direct sound, it does use other sounds such as diegetic, non-diegetic sounds, and leitmotif. For instance, leitmotif and non-diegetic sounds are used to build up suspense and fear. The audience can attribute the diegetic sound of the red buzzer to a new mission or duty and understand the suspense developing. Another form of non-diegetic sound is the ominous music that plays as Carter takes on a new mission. This background music intensified as Carter approaches the mission head-on. Sound is used in the beginning of this movie to build up suspense and create a connection between the audience and the onscreen characters.

Another element used in this movie is the variety of shots and angles. For example, in the beginning of the movie, an establishing shot is used to show the location and time, referenced by "One Year Later". This transition from the flight scene allows the audience to see the calming nature of New York City. Another example of shots is the moving shots that occur in this movie. When the man was walking outside with a gun, the camera closely followed him, to build suspense. Since the audience saw that Carter disappeared earlier, they may be wondering where she was and if there was any danger occurring. Additionally, a close shot was used to emphasize the effect. When the man was talking on the phone, he mentioned the word "zodiac" which later appeared on the paper. The camera zooms in on this big red sign marked "zodiac" to emphasize how important it may be later in the movie.

Editing is a major element that contributes to the overall score of this movie. In the beginning of the movie, the camera switches back and forth between Carter and Steve. Through this parallelism, the audience is able to view how both of them are in similar emotional states. The audience is able to view their vulnerability and understand their emotions as characters. Another form of edit used in this film is contrast. As Carter went on her mission, she began attacking the two men outside. There's a contrast that forms between Carter and the man sitting inside yawning. The action is happening outside while there's a calming nature inside. Simultaneity is used in the scene when Carter entraps the yawning guy as he approaches outside. She slowly makes her self seen when she tells him to suddenly drop his gun by holding him at gunpoint. This scene and type of editing builds suspense as the audience anticipates what will occur next.

Lastly, mise-en-scene is used through the different costumes, car, technology, and buildings. The men are all suited and work in an old fashioned office building. Carter is dressed very professional and is always ready for new assignments. This is ironic because the audience gets to see a double personality of Carter when she takes on a mission. Next, the technology seems very old-fashioned, with the box computers and outdated telephones. The old cars on the street also suggest that this movie may have taken place in the mid-1900s since these cars are rarely seen in our current generation. The acting also shows that the movie is of older age because of the men's attitude towards Carter. They minimize her talents and assign her to minimal jobs that she does not seem to enjoy. When she asks to lead a mission, the man quickly rejects her and tells her to polish papers while the men handle it. This shows that women were being minimized in the workforce, which was something that strongly occurred in the 1900s.


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