Story Boarding

Tilt Shot- This shot shows a building from bottom to top. I really liked shooting this shot because it 
anticipates the viewers and creates suspense as the camera moves up. 

Establishing Shot- This shot shows the location and mood. It was shot in my backyard. I liked the still water and the soothing, calm nature in this shot.

Dolly Shot- This moving shot was a little shaky to shoot even though I had the stabilizer. I think it was because of my slow walking pace. I was really trying to not drop my phone while holding the stabilizer. 

Choker- This shot is a tight close-up of the subject. It was funny to shoot because you can see how uncomfortable the subject, Miguel looks. He's a brave friend for letting me shoot a close-up of his face!

Full Shot- This shot shows the subject's entire body. I had to back up from a far distance to shoot this one and the camera was a little shaky, but it ended up being okay. Say hi back to Alyssa!

Pan Shot- This shot is when the camera moves horizontally from one point to another. I liked the view in this shot and how sunny it was. This was one of my favorite shots for sure!

Cameo Shot- This shot shows the subject against a neutral background . This one was really easy to film and Josh mentioned that using my black jacket would blend in well with the cream background. The suggestion helped make this shot turn out great. 

Point-of-view Shot- This shot shows what I’m doing. This one was really easy to do. The camera       wasn’t as shaky like some of my previous shots.

Follow Shot- This shot shows me following the subject. In this one, I was trying to not shake my phone as much and capture the shot from Josh’s height since I’m taller. It still ended up being shot from my height, which turned out okay. 

Eye-Level Shot- This shot shows the subject at an eye level distance. This one was funny to shoot because of our height difference. 

High Angle Shot- This shot shows the subject from above. This one was easy to film and turned out to be one of my favorite shots. 

Close-Up Shot- This shot shows an isolated part of the subject. In this case, I filmed Alyssa’s hand touching the little flowers. This one was easy to shoot and turned out great. I liked the focus of my camera in this shot. 


  1. 1. I liked your establishing shot because a) your backyard is really pretty! great view! and b) it made me feel very calm. I liked the stillness of the shot, with only the gentle movements of the water.
    2. The follow shot is effective in making the viewer wonder where the subject is going. It makes me feel like I need to try to figure out what the hall way leads to and why the subject is going there, building anticipation.
    3. The high angle shot was also captured very well. I liked how the viewer has a good perspective of the background as well as the subject.
    4. The eye level shot is funny but also revealing to the viewer that the camera man (you) is taller than most. This made me understand your point of view, and I felt taller!

  2. 1. Your dolly shot was decent. It was definitely a bit shaky but that might’ve been because it was your first time using a stabilizer. Even so, it created a sense of curiosity; this being finding out what was at the end of the hall.
    2. Your choker shot was funny. I’m not sure if that was the emotion you were trying to evoke from the viewer but being that close allowed me to see just how uncomfortable your subject truly was, which was hilarious. You did a good job at executing the shot.
    3. Your pan shot was beautiful. Something about the scenery was breathtaking, especially taken in the early morning, the video made it seem so peaceful which brought upon a sense of tranquility.
    4. Your point of view shot was good. It truly made me feel as if I was watching the scene with your eyes, also your focus on the instrument in front of you gave the object some unknown significance. It made me feel as if it was important, even though I know it’s just a basic shot and that might not have been your intention.

  3. 1) Establishing shot: I really enjoyed this shot and it's probably my favorite because of the environment. I was pretty much in awe and fascinated.
    2) Choker shot: I found this one really funny due to small changes in Miguel's facial expression.
    3)Pan shot: When you panned the area, I liked the way it was set in and the time was perfect. the sunlight and blue sky against green was magnificent.
    4)Dolly shot: Despite the shakiness, it was pretty good, almost seemed like I was in a VR; was really interesting.

  4. Choker shot: This shot was quite nice, and really captured the awkwardness radiating from the subject.
    Follow shot: While there was the height difference, I did like that you captured the student's daily routine. The dragged out scene displayed the lack of amusement that most often takes place in school.
    Pan shot: This shot was less shaky than others, which allowed me to really focus on the scene. The lighting was perfect: different dimensions with light and shade. The scenery gave a sense of serenity and a different outlook of the campus. All was so beautiful that I almost forgot this was school.
    High Angle shot: This was done very well. I felt like I could easily see the subject and the background, almost as if I were the one he was greeting.


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